
Soap vs. Heaven: why I choose the latter.

To tell the truth, I once loathed cilantro. To tell the full truth, I lived over half of my life not really knowing anything about cilantro. Blasphemy, to be sure. I have a distinct memory of the first time I tasted the herb... it was in a white bean chili (which had all the signs of being delicious) at what is now, a favorite neighborhood coffee shop. I was in college and let me tell you, that meal was, capital R, ruined. From that moment on, I deemed it "gross" and never really gave it further thought. Silly youth.

I wish I could remember exactly the moment I came to love cilantro. Because I do, with all my heart. On almost any dish, I think "this would be so much better with cilantro." Not to mention the billion other herbs I was able to ogle today at a local nursery. Alas, now I have my very own little garden of love sitting right outside my door.

L-R: Cilantro, Chives, Parsley, Dill, Basil, Oregano & Rosemary (np: Mint).

I think we are officially domesticated now. There are talks of a "vegetable garden" next year and my heart pitter patters at the very thought. I have always been a large proponent of the little things in life. They are truly what make this world go round. And this mouth water.

.♥. Crigsy


I am a culinary genius

see above

I am newly Vegan (eating a Vegan diet, that is). On the 18th of April, it will be 2 months now. Today, I made "cheese" quesadillas and they were delicious. And I rejoiced. Also, sweet potatoes are my favorite favorite thing on the planet to eat. I love them just about any way you can cook them. The ones above are from Alicia Silverstone's book The Kind Diet (secret: I subbed cilantro for the parsley in the recipe. Cilantro is also my favorite favorite). I love her book, I love being Vegan and how amazing it has made me feel. But really, on the 54th day, I.made.quesadillas

And it was good.

.♥. Crigsy


I will... twentyTen

I wrote down my Top 11 goals for 2010 back in January. I thought April, marking almost a 3rd of the year gone, would be a wonderful time to revisit them. What was I thinking? Well, here goes!

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1) Start a blog and maintain it. Well, I have started it and am doing my best to maintain.

2) Work on completing all of my unfinished knitting, crochet, sewing, crafting, house, etc projects. There are a lot: a couple of scarves, granny square blanket, another crochet blanket, 4 mini quilts, patchwork pillows, embroidered pillow, paint front door, hang photos, new couch... you get the picture.

3) Meet crafty deadlines (see above) and create, create, create. New things I would love to complete or begin in 2010: Quilt for our bed (hand quilting), Garlands for the house (whoohoo! one down), knit a pair of mittens, sew a piece of clothing for myself.

4) Yoga, yoga, yoga like it's my job. I love it and never take classes. Be more active! I won't mark this one out just yet, but... I have at least begun a yoga class and am way more active in my day to day than I was in January. :)

5) Read more (I am hoping for 10 books)! I do not read anywhere near as much as I used to or would like. Ahem.

6) At least 2 vacations this year (plus maybe a couple of weekend visits) to places we've never been in the U.S. or to places where we have friends & family. Portland, OR; Baltimore, MD; Destin, FL; New York City/Brooklyn, NY and Disneyworld :) are all on the list! Already planning a trip to Brooklyn for Summer and Baltimore for early Fall.

7) Work on the exterior/landscape of our house. I want it to feel as cozy and homey as the inside. We have neglected it way too long. Not completed, but very much in the works... this girl is excited!

8) Reconnect and get closer with my friends & family. Make sure to keep them a priority! 

(see what I mean about our yard?)
9) Prioritize quality time (snuggles, hand holding, dates, dinners, movies, activities) with the Mister.

10) Do something nice for someone daily. Small gestures, large gestures, just do it. Find the good moments in each day. Do not focus on the bad. It is amazing the difference that can make in one day. I am excited to see the impact it could have on an entire year (or lifetime). :) Working very hard to make this part of my daily life. Will not cross this one off until the end of the year!


11) Start our family (or extend it... with babies. A baby. Maybe. If we are lucky. I hope we are lucky)! I am so excited/scared I cannot stand it. We're waiting until closer to the end of the year (in theory), but nonetheless. I may not mention this again if/till it happens, because I do not want to jinx anything. In fact, forget you read this.

forgotten? I thought so. what *is* my obsession w/the stache, anyway?

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Stay with me as I do my best to complete the list! I am sure some will spill over to the next year. And the next. And so on. However, you really cannot underestimate the power of a new year to change and renew your zest for life. I also have a pretty soft spot for lists. So this all works out quite nicely.

.♥. Crigsy